Prayers for Peace 29/10/2024

• Day 1 29 September

Pray for the families who have lost loved ones

Prayer Starter: Loving God, we lift up those who mourn the sudden loss of family members and friends. May they feel Your comforting embrace in their grief.

• Day 2 30 September

Pray for the injured and the medical staff tending to them

Prayer Starter: Gracious Healer, be with those in pain and those caring for them. May Your strength and love flow through the hands of doctors and nurses.

• Day 3 1 October

Pray for displaced families seeking refuge and safety

Prayer Starter: Shelter of the Vulnerable, protect those who have been forced from their homes. Provide them with refuge and peace.

• Day 4 2 October

Pray for the leaders of Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and the international community

Prayer Starter: God of Wisdom, guide those in power to work towards peace and justice. Give them the courage and conviction to choose non-violence.

• Day 5 3 October

Pray for children and young people affected by the violence

Prayer Starter: God of the Innocent, protect the hearts, minds and lives of precious children and young people. Bring them safety in the midst of chaos.

• Day 6 4 October

Pray for peace and reconciliation in Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine

Prayer Starter: Prince of Peace, soften hearts hardened by conflict. May Your peace reign over the land and bring reconciliation between all communities.

• Day 7 5 October

Pray for other nations and regions affected by this violence

Prayer Starter: Compassionate Lord, as we lift up Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine, we also remember other regions affected by violence. Bring reconciliation and understanding. May violence cease and peace prevail.