Prayer Vigil for Ukraine – Sunday 4th April

Each Sunday at 7pm we join in a time of prayer at home, for peace in Ukraine. Let’s begin…

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world.

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

O God, the refuge and strength of all,
You hold the people of Ukraine in the palm of your hand.
The name of each person there,
Is written on your heart.

In the darkness of invasion
And in the mire of political machinations,
Spread we pray, the light of hope and of justice
And of peace.
Encourage those who are frightened,
To find strength in you
And in those around them –
Near and far.

Help the worldwide family of nations
To respond in love
With outstretched hearts,
Open minds,
And with too, the wisdom needed
to effect a peace that lasts.

Save us we pray,
From not caring enough.
For your Son’s sake.

A prayer from the Church of Scotland