Prayer Vigil

You are encouraged to join with us in prayer for Ukraine

At-home Prayer Vigil for Ukraine

7pm, Sunday 20th March 2022

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world…

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

God of peace, God of mercy
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
We lament the violence that has come to their country
We ask for comfort for those who mourn, hope for those who despair and compassion for all who suffer.
We plead for an end to violence and aggression in their land

We pray for the people of Russia,
We give thanks for those who protest for peace and pray for ongoing courage
We ask for a change of heart in those who commit acts of aggression and war against their fellow citizens and neighbours
We pray for Russians who will suffer because of sanctions and war

We pray for leaders around the world
We pray that world leaders might work for an end to war and for establishing of peace
We seek wisdom for those who are making life and death decisions about how to respond to violence and threats of violence
We ask for courage for those who campaign for peace.

We pray for aid workers and journalists
We give thanks for the willingness of aid workers to work in situations of war and unrest in order to meet the needs of others
We ask for safety, wisdom and compassion for all working to alleviate suffering and heal the wounded
We pray for journalist and media organisations reporting the situation in Ukraine and Russia, may they report truthfully and compassionately.

We pray for peace
We lament violence around the world 
We plead for the ceasing of violence and the establishment of peace
We pray that you might give us a desire for peace and a willingness to work and hope and pray for peace each day.
