Prayer for Ukraine 26/03/2023

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world.
Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.
Centre yourself and pray…
God of peace, it has been a year since the country of Ukraine was invaded, bringing loss of life and loss of security, homes and livelihoods; bringing struggle, scarcity and hunger. We pray for the families that mourn loved ones lost in this conflict. We pray for you to provide comfort to the displaced and safety for those still in harm’s way.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We offer prayers of gratitude for all those who have responded to this crisis with love and care; for those who have welcomed and sheltered refugees; and for those who have given generously to ease suffering in and beyond Ukraine.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We pray for you to strengthen and renew in us a spirit of generosity and, that we may continue to practice solidarity, hospitality and care.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We pray for all who seek a just and peaceful resolution to this and every conflict, we pray that you will keep our Ukrainian sisters and brothers safe from further harm and we pray that you will bring peace and comfort to the people of Ukraine.
God of peace, hear our prayer.
We offer these fervent prayers, remembering the words of the apostle James, “those who make peace sow the seeds of justice by their peaceful acts.”
May we all sow such seeds. Amen
(Source: General Board of Global Ministries, presented Feb. 24, 2023)