Prayer for Peace 30/6/2024

This is a prayer that we prayed for Ukraine last year.  I have taken the liberty to change the words “in the country of Ukraine” to “in countries at war”.

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world. Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.
Centre yourself and pray…

War is terrible but you find us, Loving God.
You find us anxious as conflict rages in countries at war.
You find us angry at the senseless loss of life,
you find us distressed as civilians are caught up in a terrible war,
you find us grieving over the death of innocent bystanders.

War is terrible but you listen to us carefully, Loving God.
You listen as we ask the politicians, “Can’t you work for a peaceful solution?”
You listen as we say to the aggressors, “Don’t put children or hospitals at risk.”
You listen as we give thanks for countries that welcome those displaced
with big hearts and open arms;
you listen as we fear for journalists who put themselves in danger
to report the truth.

War is terrible but you give us hope, Loving God. 
Hope that leaders will patiently give peace a chance.
Hope that despite the heartache, the terror, and the loss,
places of sanctuary will be found and acts of kindness will take root and grow.
Hope that feelings of revenge for broken livelihoods and broken bodies
will be replaced by a willingness to restore community and to forgive.
We pray in the name of Jesus, crucified one. Amen 

David Sparks