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Prayer Vigil for Sunday 27th March

Each Sunday at 7pm we join in a time of prayer at home, for peace in Ukraine. Let’s begin…

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world…

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
I pray in search for peace in Ukraine
give peace a chance in the time of war
in the world’s history.

O Lord,
enlighten the rulers
they may defend the gift of peace;
We denounce deadly armed force,
call on all leaders back to dialogue;
to respect the international law
to protect lives within the bound of peace.

The LORD is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’ (Psalm 34:18)
Give the injured your healing spirit,
Give the dead a rest in peace,
Give the displace a community of peace
Give the world a moment of peace
This is the peace
that the world cannot give,
but only comes from your son Jesus Christ.

O Spirit,
move the hearts of millions into prayer
for peace blossom forth.
Reign over the peoples and the region
with your boundaries of peace,
Let the Spirit of life
connect the people in their fear
and unify their hopes into
a potency of building peace.

O Christ,
we pray for the Ukrainian communities in Australia.
for brothers and sisters in the Orthodox tradition,
and for ourselves.
We pray for
those have been exposed to
the trauma of being caught in the crossfire,
the fear overwhelmed by a deliberate force.
We pray for
an immediate end to the armed hostilities
a protection for all lives threatened by the conflict.

Come, O God of peace,
Move the world out of darkness,
Bring all people into the light.
Send love to each broken-hearted,
Make your Church an instrument of world’s peace.

For peace in Ukraine.
We pray
in the name of Christ.


Prayer written by Rev Dr Ji Zhang 张骥, Theologian-in-Residence, Uniting Church in Australia National Assembly

Lifting of some Covid Restrictions

From Sunday 27 March you will no longer need to QR to go into church.  Density restrictions have been lifted but we would still like you to ‘spread out’ a little in church. We are now able to sing and have two singers out the front. With the lifting of mask restrictions we will not have to wear a mask.

Even if masks are not mandatory, please feel free to wear a mask if you wish, especially if you are unable to be socially distanced. We also ask that if you do have any symptoms at all – a sniffle, cough etc or have been in the company of someone who has tested positive – please take a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) before coming to church and wear a mask while at church. I think that this is the way that we will keep each other safe at church in the future.

Men’s Coffee

there will be no coffee outing this month we hope with the easing of Covid restrictions that we will get together next month. Men’s coffee is normally the last Monday of the month. Please continue to look here for updates.

Arthur 0408943282

Picnic in the Park

To welcome the new Minister Allison

There will be a picnic at Blackall Park on Sunday February 20th at 12 noon.  This will be a Covid safe opportunity for us all to welcome Allison to Toronto. Please bring your own food and drinks, plus a chair, and probably some mossie repellent in case the flies or mossies are around. Hope to see you all there!

New Audio System and Platform

Audio/Computer Platform

Many thanks to all those who had a hand in creating this new addition to the church.

Along with this platform our audio has also been upgraded. Our technology is getting better all the time.

Please be patient as our operators get used to the new audio and streaming.

Christmas Market success

Our annual Christmas market went ahead on Saturday 4th despite the threatening weather. A rash decision was made to erect the gazebo on the front lawn as the sky remained dark. However the rain stayed away as trash and treasure, garden plants and jams and pickles sold well.

Most made it inside to see the books, jewellery, children’s toy and clothing stalls were also busy. Another great day. Good to see Christmas decorations on sale as well.

Faith Nurture Study Group

                – seekers exploring faith, at its heart and at its edges.

Currently sharing an Advent study: ‘Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever – Finding Hope and Strength in Trying Times’.

Meeting in the Back Hall of the Church at 1.30pm Tuesdays but will be in recess between 21st December 2021 & 25th January 2022.

Kicking off on 1st February 02 with ‘First Light’ – a Living the Questions DVD-based study series. Interested? Ring Greg Newton 0419259200