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Prayer for Ukraine Sunday June 26th

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world.

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

May God give wisdom and courage

to those who work for peace.

We pray that their efforts may be blessed,

that they may bring an end to violence

and solace and stability to suffering peoples.

May the gift of peace permeate all troubled souls,

convert all who live by violence

and comfort all children who live in menacing situations,

that the freedom to enjoy life and grow in safety may be theirs.

And may each one of us know

peace of mind and heart,

peace of body and spirit,

peace of community and world.

Prayer for Ukraine Sunday June 19th

 Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world.

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

God of Mercy, We pray for Ukraine.
For all of humanity distorted by war.
For all the lives lost, homes seized and peace broken.
May the Spirit of comfort and compassion envelop all who dwell in fear.
May the Spirit of wisdom and humility enliven our global leaders.
May we affirm the dignity and rights of all.
May we seek peace.

Prayer for Ukraine Sunday June 12th

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world.

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

How do we pray for peace from half a world away?

How can words salve and soothe real wounds,

Assuage real tears, Wipe tears from real eyes?

God of endless compassion, transform our prayers

From words into bridges, that span the distances

Between us, uniting our hearts in yours.

Every time we turn our keys in a lock,

May we remember all who are losing their homes.

Every time we step into our cars,

May we remember all those who are having to flee.

Every time we embrace our children,

May we remember all who are trying to shield theirs from war.

May our besieged sisters and brothers

Be drawn into the arms of the suffering Christ,

And may our cry be heard as one voice,

Ringing out from every corner of the earth:

God of endless mercy, grant us peace.


Cameron Bellm


Eight ladies from our congregation are now creating beanies, scarves etc. etc. towards this outreach to the homeless and needy.   To date this year a total of 303 beanies (plus scarves, slippers etc.), have been provided to Carrie’ Place Women’s Refuge (Maitland), Miracle Babies (Sydney), Survivors R Us (Elermore Vale), Reach Homeless Services (Hamilton), St Stephen’s Early Bird Café (Sydney), Mum’s Cottage (Holmesville) and also some to First Nation’s peoples.  Generous donations of wool have been very appreciated.

Prayer for Ukraine

Sunday 5th June 2022

Loving God, your Son Jesus Christ, wept over Jerusalem.

Today, we weep over Ukraine.

We weep for those uprooted from their homes and lives.

We weep for those cowering in basements.

We weep for those who have witnessed death and destruction on their streets.

We weep for those separated from their parents, from children, from spouses and siblings.

We are amazed at the resilience of people seeking to comfort those in need and so we pray for

Governments opening up borders so that Ukrainians can have safe passage.

We pray for churches and individuals providing food, clothing and shelter.

We pray for medical workers ensuring that shattered bodies are put back together again.

We pray for ordinary Russians demonstrating and voicing their disapproval of the military actions in Ukraine.

May the Holy Spirit give us the willpower to turn our tears into action also.

May we, through your words, prayers and example pursue the things that make for a just peace in the world today and especially in Ukraine.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

UK Methodist Church

Prayer Vigil

You are encouraged to join with us in prayer for Ukraine

At-home Prayer Vigil for Ukraine

7pm, Sunday 20th March 2022

Light a candle, as a visible sign of the light of Christ, who is the light of the world…

Take a deep breath. Feel the breath of God that has given you life.

Centre yourself and pray…

God of peace, God of mercy
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
We lament the violence that has come to their country
We ask for comfort for those who mourn, hope for those who despair and compassion for all who suffer.
We plead for an end to violence and aggression in their land

We pray for the people of Russia,
We give thanks for those who protest for peace and pray for ongoing courage
We ask for a change of heart in those who commit acts of aggression and war against their fellow citizens and neighbours
We pray for Russians who will suffer because of sanctions and war

We pray for leaders around the world
We pray that world leaders might work for an end to war and for establishing of peace
We seek wisdom for those who are making life and death decisions about how to respond to violence and threats of violence
We ask for courage for those who campaign for peace.

We pray for aid workers and journalists
We give thanks for the willingness of aid workers to work in situations of war and unrest in order to meet the needs of others
We ask for safety, wisdom and compassion for all working to alleviate suffering and heal the wounded
We pray for journalist and media organisations reporting the situation in Ukraine and Russia, may they report truthfully and compassionately.

We pray for peace
We lament violence around the world 
We plead for the ceasing of violence and the establishment of peace
We pray that you might give us a desire for peace and a willingness to work and hope and pray for peace each day.
